Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Easter is one of the holiest festival
 of the Christians and it is also celebrated by people of other faiths, sans the religious part. Easter has its roots in ancient time, thousands of years back, connected to resurrection of Jesus. Here we present you with a detailed history of Easter, its celebration in different parts of the world, abiut the great re surrection and more. Scroll down, and discover known and unknown facts.
Easter is a festival of overwhelming joy.
                                          HISTORY OF EASTER
Easter and Spring
Come March. And the world around you gets geared up to go ga ga on a festive spree. Some skeptics might shrug off the March madness fray, but can't beat the freak it rolls out of its season of rejuvenation, rejoice and renewal that ushers in with a basketful of new promises and gifts in galore. The nature discards its weary look to don a brand new outfit. The shining sun showers its blissful warmth, as if, to thwart the frosted blanket which the winter wraps around us. The brook turns bubbly. The blooming tulips, the crocuses and the daffodils - all swayed by the cool southie breeze, bring back the vibe on earth.
What else can be a better day for fun and fiesta? To have your family reunited? Friendship and love renewed? And feelings shared?
Perhaps all these traits have made spring and celebrations almost synonymous. That too from the dawn of human history.
Even in the Greek mythology, Demeter and Persephone, convey the idea of a goddess returning seasonally from the nether regions to the light of the day. This is in conjunction with the vernal equinox, March 21, when nature is in resurrection after the winter.
Even Easter - the grand occasion that reminds you of the golden and crimson eggs and chocolate bunnies, the ho'cross buns, is also a spring time festival. As if the Almighty had chosen this glorious season for the death-resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ, the son of God.
History Of Easter
Easter, the principal festival of the Christian church year, celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion. The origins of Easter date to the beginnings of Christianity, and it is probably the oldest Christian observance after the Sabbath (observed on Saturday). Later, the Sabbath subsequently came to be regarded as the weekly celebration of the Resurrection.
Meanwhile, many of the cultural historians find, in the celebration of Easter, a convergence of the three traditions - Pagan, Hebrew and Christian.
According to St. Bede, an English historian of the early 8th century, Easter owes its origin to the old Teutonic mythology. It was derived from the name Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, to whom the month of April was dedicated. The festival of Eostre was celebrated at the vernal equinox, when the day and night gets an equal share of the day.
The English name "Easter" is much newer. When the early English Christians wanted others to accept Christianity, they decided to use the name Easter for this holiday so that it would match the name of the old spring celebration. This made it more comfortable for other people to accept Christianity.
But it is pointed out by some that the Easter festival, as celebrated today, is related with the Hebrew tradition, the Jewish Passover. This is being celebrated during Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew lunar year. The Jewish Passover under Moses commemorates Israel's deliverance from about 300 years of bondage in Egypt.
It was in during this Passover in 30 AD Christ was crucified under the order of the Roman governor Pontius Pilate as the then Jewish high priests accused Jesus of "blasphemy". The resurrection came three days later, on the Easter Sunday. The early Christians, many of them being brought up in Jewish tradition regarded Easter as a new feature of the Pascha (Passover). It was observed in memory of the advent of the Messiah, as foretold by the prophets. And it is equanimous with the proclamation of the resurrection. Thus the early Christian Passover turned out to be a unitive celebration in memory of the passion-death-resurrection of Jesus. However, by the 4th century, Good Friday came to be observed as a separate occasion. And the Pascha Sunday had been devoted exclusively to the honor of the glorious resurrection.
Throughout the Christendom the Sunday of Pascha had become a holiday to honor Christ. At the same time many of the pagan spring rites came to be a part of its celebration. May be it was the increasing number of new converts who could not totally break free of the influence of pagan culture of their forefathers.
But despite all the influence there was an important shift in the spirit. No more glorification of the physical return of the Sun God. Instead the emphasis was shifted to the Sun of Righteousness who had won banishing the horrors of death for ever.
The Feast of Easter was well established by the second century. But there had been dispute over the exact date of the Easter observance between the Eastern and Western Churches. The East wanted to have it on a weekday because early Christians observed Passover every year on the 14th of Nisan, the month based on the lunar calendar. But, the West wanted that Easter should always be a Sunday regardless of the date.
To solve this problem the emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea in 325. The question of the date of Easter was one of its main concerns. The council decided that Easter should fall on Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. But fixing up the date of the Equinox was still a problem. The Alexandrians, noted for their rich knowledge in astronomical calculations were given the task. And March 21 was made out to be the perfect date for spring equinox.
The dating of Easter today follows the same. Accordingly, churches in the West observe it on the first day of the full moon that occurs on or following the Spring equinox on March 21., it became a movable feast between March 21 and April 25.
Still some churches in the East observe Easter according to the date of the Passover festival.
The preparation takes off as early as on the Ash Wednesday from which the period of penitence in the Lent begins. The Lent and the Holy week end on the Easter Sunday, the day of resurrection

                                                    EASTER GREETINGS

"Thank you, God, for loving me and sending your Son to die on the cross for my sins. I now choose to make Jesus the Lord of my life. Help me to be the kind of person that You want me to be. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Friday, March 30, 2012


Two students were yesterday feared dead after masquerades in Oko community allegedly attacked students of the Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra state in their hostels outside the campus.

However, students of the school, Monday morning took to the streets to protest the alleged killing. According to an eyewitness, the masquerades attacked the students in their off-campus hostels also called ‘lodges’ located in the community.The source who pleaded anonymity said, two students died in the attack while many others were injured. And they are taken to the hospital.
Confirming the incident in a telephone and television interview, the Rector of institution, Onitsha have been deployed to the area to maintain law and order.
According to him, “seven students sustained varying degrees of injury and they have been treated and discharged.”
On the alleged setting ablaze, the home of former Vice President Alex Ekwueme, the Rector described it as untrue. “I spoke with the Igwe of this community now and he said nothing of such happened”.
Professor Godwin Onu said there was a clash between students and youths after the masquerades’ attack but stated that no death has been reported so far.
He disclosed that the School Management and the leaders of the community are leaving no stone unturned in order to calm the volient, adding that Mobile policemen from Awka and soldiers from 

Thursday, March 29, 2012


PhotoNews: President Jonathan at Dim IKemba Ojukwu

PresidIKEMBA DIM ODUMEGWU OJUKWU BURIAL CELEMONYent Jonathan said that the achievements that set Ojukwu apart and which had made him  subject of “edifying posthumous commentaries”, though undeniably solid were far from personal.  “They were solid altruistic achievements of a man whose life epitomized love and self sacrifice.  For only such love could explain  his preference for the great risk involved in the leadership role he assumed in his lifetime to the privileged background into which he was born,” he said. Recalling how Ojukwu sailed to leadership limelight and how “he reluctantly accepted the role that perhaps most critically defined his place in the history of our country”, the president also noted how the late Biafran leader, “despite his reluctances, he acquitted himself quite historically, heroically while fulfilling that role, not withstanding the difficult odds that stood against his side” during the civil war. “We are also aware of how after the dust of hostilities had settled, he became strong advocate of a united Nigeria.  All these governed by the same ideals of justice and fairness to all which were the hallmark of his vision as a patriot of humanists,” the president said."  -  Vanguard